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Top 10 World�s Best Intelligence Agencies 2013
Intelligence agencies
Top 10 World�s Best Intelligence Agencies 2013

Intelligence agency of any country play very important role. All big countries have their own Intelligence Agencies. Here in this post i have listed World's Top 10 Best Intelligence Agencies 2013

1. Inter Service Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan

Inter Service Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan

The Inter Service Intelligence(ISI), Pakistan was created in 1948 after Indo Pak war in 1947. The Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) is the top most organization with latest technology and most advanced sources of information. Its secret agents working around the whole world. It receive the least funding as compared to other agencies, but still boasts of ten thousand agents operating across the world. However its become fail to handle the Osama Bin Laden case and its lost its much values, but with in very less time it proved its worthiness. It also handle most recent cases in very well manner so its got its position again.

2. Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, United States
Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, United States

The Central Intelligence Agency was founded in 1947 and its headquarters in Langley near Washington D.C. It has 22,000 employees and it is the most popular agency It is best among funded intelligence agencies of the world. The Agency works on the same principles which are common in all other intelligence agencies working across the world. CIA works with national and international intelligence agencies to collect and analyse critical information. CIA has the credit of being one of most swift in dealing with every aspect of world issues. CIA got 2nd position in the list of 10 Best Intelligence Agencies 2013.

3. Secret Intelligence Services / Military Intelligence Section 6 (MI6), United Kingdom
Secret Intelligence Services / Military Intelligence Section 6 (MI6), United Kingdom

Secret Intelligence Services was founded in 1909 and it is situated in London, It is also known as MI6. It is a well know and reputable intelligence Agency. MI6 become on number 3 because of its remarkable achievements and dealing with all terrorism issues. It also handels several other national and international issues through its intelligence services. The agency is also working closely with United States and Israel agencies.

4. Ministry of State Security (MSS), China
Ministry of State Security (MSS), China

It is known as the most active and the largest agency of the world. MSS is working under the Government of the People�s Republic of China. The agency plays an important and active role in handling domestic issues as well as international issues. It is said that the MSS Agency also works closely with other international intelligence Agencies such as ISI from Pakistan.

5. Federal Security Services (FSB), Russia
Federal Security Services (FSB), Russia

The Federal Security Services is the top 5th most domestic security organization of the Russian Federation. It is also known to be the successor agency of the KGB. FSB is the best agency among the countering terrorism and it also works on cross border security and surveillance. FSB has headquarter in Lubyanka Square, downtown Moscow. FSB is also believed to work with RAW (India) and other ex-soviet agencies in Russia.

6. The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, MOSSAD, Isreal
The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, MOSSAD, Isreal

The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, MOSSAD, Isreal was formed on December 13, 1949. Its headquarter in Tel Aviv, Israel. MOSSAD, is the one of the key national intelligence agency. MOSSAD is a Hebrew word which means �the institute�. It take responsibilities of matters related to Intelligence collection and counter terrorism. The MOSSAD Agency director reports directly to the Prime Minister.

7. Direction Generale De La Securite Exterieure (DGSE), France
Direction Generale De La Securite Exterieure (DGSE), France

DGSE is specialized in gathering and disseminating information related to external intelligence. DGSE operates under the directions and supervision of Ministry of Defence. The Agency also work parallel with the Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence, DGSE is also focusing on internal as well as external intelligence concerning national security.

8. Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS), Canada
Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS), Canada

CSIS was Formed in 1984. It is the country�s premier agency and also responsible for collecting information as well as analysing and reporting prior to disseminating intelligence. It is concerning with all kind of national threats for its country. Its headquarter in Ottawa, Ontario. The agency functions are overseen by federal court system along with the Security Intelligence Review Committee.

9. Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), India

Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), India

RAW was formed in 1968, and It operated under the leadership of R.N.Kao. RAW functions independently and it is responsible for gathering/ transfer external intelligence and counter terrorism in India. In order to do their work effectively RAW also responsible for gathering information and analysing them from the foreign government, individuals and corporations perspective. RAW is used effectively by Indian government and is involved in every aspect to safeguard national interests.

10. Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), Australia

Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), Australia

ASIS was Established in 1952, and was headed by Alfred Deakin Brookes. The functions and existence of ASIS was a guarded secret even from its own government for almost twenty long years. The primary role of ASIS was to gather information and distribute/ transfer secret intelligence. ASIS also given the responsibility to plan and execute special operations when needed.

Top 10 World�s Best Intelligence Agencies 2013

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