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$$$$$$AMAZING EARNING SECRETS$$$$$$ - Giveaway 1000$ Products in one thread!
Heyyo Guys!

First of all i apology for my inactiveness and i decided to become more active here :)

I was so busy with my projects but now i will also be active in best-hacker-tools and here i am combining some of my ebooks that'd be very helpful to you guys :)

Please post a reply if anybody downloaded from below links to make this thread active and more users benefit from this Biggrin

PTC Related (these ebooks are enough to learn and get good income from PTC)
1) Neobux Ultimate Strategy

Mediafire link:

2) $8 per day using neobux

Mediafire link:

3) Referral SecretsMediafire link:

4) PTC Expert

Mediafire link:

PPD/CPA Related

1) Real Top earner Methods :

Mediafire link:

2) Ultimate Torrent Money Making Guide:

Mediafire Link:

3) Blackhat Code:

Mediaifre Link:

4) Rich Villain:

Mediafire Link:


Adfly Money Machine:

Edit: told ya i'll be sharing more Tongue

so here again it starts :)

For internet marketers youtube is the best source to get started earning and so they should know how to rank their videos in youtube :)

Download right here:

Now guys out there here's some good ebooks that people hardly shares :)

1) Fileice Method - read -simple and sweet guide Biggrin (FOR PPD/CPA MARKETING)

Mediafire Link:

2) $50 a day method 

Mediafire Link:

3) EvanC's PPD niche ebook:

Now guys there is no need to read more ebooks again.After this stop your reading habit and Just START and you are ready to EARN :)

ACTION after reading all of these is mandatory step if you really want to earn something online.
And remember don't start anything randomly.
You have to learn techniques before trying it out as it'll be more beneficial to you guys and earning money . [If you don't know the rules.then you can't win a game]

Similarly a proper plan should be there how you gonna work per day or something like that.

Remember, a GOAL without a PLAN is..............just a WISH!

And to the guys out there who uses FIleice,SC or other PPDs , i suggest to switch to adnooka and see the difference in earning yourself whether use my aff link or not Wink 
Surely i'll help out,just pm me after u get accepted Cool

Thats all for now as this ebooks are good :)
I'll update it with more when i get more time..

Hope you like it buddies Biggrin
And yes i'll share more and very new ones :)

$$$$$$AMAZING EARNING SECRETS$$$$$$ - Giveaway 1000$ Products in one thread!

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