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Protect Your Pdf Products-Viral Boomerang Lockdown

Protect Your Pdf Products-Viral Boomerang Lockdown

Protect Your Pdf Products-Viral Boomerang Lockdown

Protect Your Pdf Products-Viral Boomerang Lockdown
Viral Boomerang hide Down - A Swiss Army Tool for all Internet Marketers.
Lock PDF Reports & Ebooks With
Revokable License Keys
Stopping Refunders, 
Black Hatters and 
File Sharers in 
their Tracks.
Plus... Trial Features, Viral Features and More!
Dear Warrior,
This one is crazy.
Because although on a fundamental level this is tool that lets you lock any PDF file, it also has some kick-butt list building tricks built right in.
Here are some key things that you will be able to do...
- Anyone who downloads your PDF product can be made to register to get an access key... Listbuilding without a squeeze page.
- You can add a "taster" or "first chapter" that can be opened without the key...A great tease.
- Unlock Keys can be UNIQUE to each user. Meaning they can't share them around.
- Your PDF can't be "saved as" to their hard drive and opened outside of the locking system... That will frustrate serial refunders!
- The unlock key can be made revocable! So if someone refunds or shares the product illegally, you can instantly turn off their access to the product... That puts an end to the antics of serial refunders, file sharers and black-hatters!
- The file cannot be unsecured using tools like
Want a full demonstration? 
No problem...
As you can see, this is a very vertsatile tool and one that all serious Internet Marketers are going to want in their tool box.
When you buy this WSO today, you get...
- The Viral Boomerang Lock Down software licensed for use on TWO Windows based PC's that you own (desktop and laptop).
- 13 Tutorial Videos that not only cover the usage of the software but give tips, tricks and ideas for use so that you get the most out of your copy of Viral Boomerang Lockdown.
- A massive 50% Warrior Only Discount.
- A 100% No Risk, Love it or shove it Money back guarantee.
Protect Your Pdf Products-Viral Boomerang Lockdown

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Protect Your Pdf Products-Viral Boomerang Lockdown

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