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Top 10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military
Top 10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military
Top 10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military

Military of any country is very important and it considered the backbone. Countries spend big part of their budget on Military but the question is why we spend and devoted our big sources just on Military without gaining any such benefit which is important for human being. History revealed many times how the country's economic goes down just because of spending large part of sources on Military. If we take little view about USA then you come to know US spend $40 billion between 2011 and 2012 just on Military which is big amount. We talking about peace but on other hand we spoil badly our massive, we all know we can't remove evil with evil but still we try this but we failed. Here in this post have listed Top 10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military

1. United States
Military expenditure: $668.8 billion
United States

USA is the 1st in this list because it spends much more on the Military than any other country like US's military budget roughly 40% of all military spending in the whole world. Although, after 2010 military spending has declined which drop down because of reduced presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2010 US spend more than $720 billion which very high amount but after reducing arms in such areas now it become $668.8 billion which is still high in the world. One of the big reason of spending high amount on military because US is also one of the biggest arms exporter in the world in 2012 and it exported more than $6.2 billion arms and now in June, the White House announced it was arming Syrian opposition against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad�s regime so now a new war begging with lots of destroying new sources. 

2. China
Military expenditure: $157.6 billion

China got 2nd position in the ranking of Top 10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military because China increased its annual military expenditure from $107 billion to $157 billion between 2008 to 2012. But this increment doesn't affect its percentage of GDP which has remained relatively stable at around 2% still now but it can be increased. China progressed very fast and enter in the list of one of the world�s fastest growing economies in recent years. Recently China is involved in a tense relation with Japan over the resource-rich Diaoyu islands and also has historically tense relations with Taiwan.

3. Russia
Military expenditure: $90.6 billion

The 3rd most spending country on military is Russia and its military budget has grown expressively in the past few years because in 2008, it spent below $68 billion but in 2012 its military budget had grown to more than $90.6 billion. The biggest increase has seen in 2011 and 2012, when the budget was increased by 16% because it has been upgrading its weapons, replace old submarines, ballistic missiles and attack ships. In 2012 Russia was the second-largest weapons exporter in whole world. Russia also has more self-boosted guns and Corvette missiles which other countries has low.

4. France
Military expenditure: $62.6 billion

With $62.6 billion budget France got 4th rank in this list and in 2012 it was higher than any other European Union country. But with passage of time it goes down, if we have a look on previous years like in 2009 France spend more than $69.4 billion on military. But this cannot be cuts off because in April, France announced it would freeze military expenditures, with $235 billion for the next six years. In 2011, France had more active military members than all other European Union countries at 362,485.

5. United Kingdom
Military expenditure: $59.8 billion
United Kingdom

The 5th most spending country on Military is the United Kingdom although its spending fell now because the slow GDP growth which less than 1%. United Kingdom also cut 5,000 troops from its armed forces as part of the nation�s wide severity measures. In 2012 U.K. spent 2.5% of GDP on the military and $350 million in weapon exported which is much less than previous years because 25 years earlier UK spent 4.0% of GDP on its military and $2.5 billion on worth of exported arms.

6. Japan
Military expenditure: $59.2 billion

The 6th most spending country on military is Japan. After taking the seat of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe began pushing for a stronger military because Abe�s plans to boost military spending may be limited by the country�s massive debt concerns and because of PM decision the military spending increased and this was major increment 1st time in 11 years. However starting military action is bans in Japan�s constitution but PM Shinzo Abe recently has argued that the country should be allowed to join U.N. approved military actions.

7. Saudi Arabia
Military expenditure: $54.2 billion
Saudi Arabia

Its not surprising to see the name of Saudi Arabia�s in the list of Top 10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military because it comprised its military budget 8.9% of GDP which is higher than any other country but you may shocked its was down from 11% of GDP in 2009 and 10% of GDP in 2010. Military spending has increased by $10 billion from 2008 that now more than $54.2 billion. Solmirano said the oil revenue of Saudi Arabia allow the country to spend more on the military. 

8. Germany
Military expenditure: $48.6 billion

The 8th most spending country on military is Germany and it spent more than $48.6 billion on its military or 1.4% of GDP. Although it increased from 1.3% from previous year but still lower than the other countries in the list. Germany exported $486 million of arms which is higher than all. 

9. India
Military expenditure: $48.3 billion

India got 8th rank in the list of Top 10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military Military because it spend 2.5% of GDP which is higher than most of other countries. Although it goes down with passage of time as we view on previous year like it spent 2.9% of GDP on military in 2009 and Between 2011 and 2012 it was 3%. India also the biggest arms importer worldwide also has been upgrading its largely Soviet-era weapons.

10. Brazil
Military expenditure: $36.8 billion

Brazil is on 10th position by spending roughly $36.8 billion on its military. These expenditures are less than previous year when country spent $38.1 billion but still it is higher than many countries.

But in short and simple words we have not enough time to waste on such kind of meaningless things which will destroy our generations. The above information just want to show you how many resources we are using for unnecessary gain so we use our resources just for the prosperity of our massive and try to spread peace everywhere so make the world Heaven in real meaning :)

Top 10 Countries Spending the Most on the Military

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