How To Solve Blue Screen Error in Window XP and Window 7
BSOD(Blue Screen of Death) is a very common Problem in window XP,7 and vista. that occurs in all the versions of the Windows OS such as Win XP or Win Vista or Windows 7.
BSOD or Blue-screen, known as a �Stop Error�.Blue screen causes many problems like hardware and software related issues.Mostly when BSOD error occurred in your system, you can not reach the desktop or even if you have reached the desktop, the BSOD screen can appear all of a sudden while you are doing something important on your PC as given below in image.
First of all you should try your best to reach desktop.Some blue screen error never remove till you have to install new window or you have to delete all data in your system.
You can try the �Last Known Good Configuration� option or by going into the Safe Mode. You can try both of these options by pressing the F8 key before the appearance of the Windows loading screen. If you do it correctly, you will see the �Windows Advanced Options Menu� screen where you will see options like Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking and Last Known Good Configuration.

BSOD or Blue-screen, known as a �Stop Error�.Blue screen causes many problems like hardware and software related issues.Mostly when BSOD error occurred in your system, you can not reach the desktop or even if you have reached the desktop, the BSOD screen can appear all of a sudden while you are doing something important on your PC as given below in image.
BSODs come into view when Windows come across a severe difficulty and hang up the operating system. You can easily solve BSOD problem by probing all the factors that has triggered it. Below are some steps to overcome this issue.
1).First of all you should try your best to reach desktop.Some blue screen error never remove till you have to install new window or you have to delete all data in your system.
You can try the �Last Known Good Configuration� option or by going into the Safe Mode. You can try both of these options by pressing the F8 key before the appearance of the Windows loading screen. If you do it correctly, you will see the �Windows Advanced Options Menu� screen where you will see options like Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking and Last Known Good Configuration.

When blue screen appear, you should read the message that appears on it. Mostly, the error screen contains a �STOP ERROR� code that consists of numbers and alphabets. The code varies depending on the problems that have caused the respective BSOD error.Note this code error.
If your system is showing the BSOD screen after new installation of hardware or software, you can try uninstalling the hardware or software and see if that resolves the issue. After uninstalling the software that caused the problem, you can scan your system by any antivirus software.
Repairing registry errors by making use of registry applications can help in getting rid of BSODs that are caused by software.
System Restore option to go back to a date when your system was working perfectly fine.
Next option is that you can google search about blue screen error. Type the STOP ERROR code on Google and find out what solutions are available. Microsoft Support website is best source to solve your problem.All possible outcome you will get at Microsoft Support website.
How To Solve Blue Screen Error in Window XP and Window 7
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