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Top 10 Joomla Email Extensions
Top 10 Joomla Email Extensions
Top 10 Joomla Email Extensions

Joomla email extensions are those extensions which are commonly by each and every Joomla website all over the cyber world. Joomla email extensions can be free or paid. Some developers offer their email extensions for free download but more reliable and efficient are those which are paid. Here in this post have listed Top 10 Joomla Email Extensions which is very helpful for you.

Because email extensions are installed to provide your Joomla website platform to receive emails from the site users and registrants.

1. OSE Webmail

OSE Webmail

Version: 3.0.3
Joomla Version: Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x
Important Features :

  • It allows you check your emails through the Joomla platform.
  • Ideal for webmasters who want to allow their clients to log into their webmail through their corporate website.
  • Check your email through this webmail component in the frontend.
  • Check your email through this webmail component in the administrator panel.
Download Extension: Click Here

2. Email Beautifier
Email Beautifier

Joomla Version: Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x
Important Features:

  • This extension will turn the 'Vanilla' Joomla emails into a work of art. 
  • Many of you have looked at the silly 'welcome email' and complained that so un-comfortable.
  • Email Beautifier, making Joomla emails look nicer is as simple as A-B-C Email Beautifier catches all emails going from Joomla site.
  • Awesome template around them & sends them on their way.
  • Single place to configure a consistent template for emails.
  • It has ability to Skip extensions that have their own templates.
  • Advertising In Email via SocialAds.
  • Support for Joomla MailAlert plugins to add Dynamic content.
  • Provide easy Template Editor with ability to Edit HTML & CSS.

In short Email Beautifier have made sure your Joomla site looks Awesome

Download Extension: Click Here

3. Powerful Email Editor

Powerful Email Editor
Version: v2.0.17 for J2.5 & v3.0.1 for J3.x
Joomla Version: Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x
Important Features:

  • It supports both HTML email and Plain text email.
  • It has ability to send emails to all users who Receive System E-mails.
  • Supports multiple files attachment to an email.
  • Provides dynamic parameters which make emails more meaningful and flexible and also has ability to format Dynamic parameters.
  • Most important no core hacking required and no headache when upgrade.
Download Extension: Click Here

4. Phoca Email

Phoca Email
Version: 1.0.0 & 2.0.0
Joomla Version: Joomla 2.5
Important Features:

  • Phoca Email is used for sending emails from other components like sending Invoice, Delivery Note or Receipt from VirtueMart component.
  • Phoca Email can be used to quickly send emails from Joomla administration site.
  • If we used Phoca Email for sending emails in Joomla administration, the following features can be select:
  • Email can be sent to one user or more users.
  • Pure text or HTML message can be sent.
  • Article can also be selected and sent.
Download Extension: Click Here

5. JV Contact

JV Contact
Version: 3.0
Joomla version: Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x
Important Features:

  • Jv Contact allowing the admin to create a contact module, through which front end user can find the contact info.
  • Send messages to the staff or receive direct support through live chat on Yahoo Instant Messenger or Skype.
  • JV Contact also supports a Google map that show where your address is on the map, as well as social sharing on Face Book, Twitter, etc.
Download Extension: Click Here

6. Mail Collector

 Mail Collector
Version: 1.2
Joomla Version: Joomla 3.x
Important Features:

  • It helps to organize different lists of emails, and export each list independently to a CSV file.
  • The extension is composed by a frontend page that asks the user the email address, customizable as it can be seen in the image of the option here on the right.
  • There's a backend interface to manage those emails, delete the fake ones, export the ones you're interested in.
  • It also provide option to choose and redirect people to an address you want them to visit, so you can collect emails before showing some special content.
Download Extension: Click Here

7. Obfuscate Me

Obfuscate Me

Joomla Version: Joomla 2.5
Important Features:

  • Obfuscate Me can hides part of (or whole) pages into JavaScript code in order to prevent primarily spambots to gather e-mail addresses from your published content.
  • It also prevents the content to be seen by web crawlers (like Google's, Yahoo!'s) who don't execute the JavaScript code in the pages they visit.
  • It also hides anything, plain text or HTML, except for JavaScript code you want to be executed on the client side.
  • It displays a customizable fall-back message to all those clients who don't have JavaScript enabled.
Download Extension: Click Here

8. Form to Mail

Form to Mail

Joomla Version: Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x
Important Features:

  • It allows to create and publish many forms into the website and visual configuration of the form with a modern form builder.
  • It supports various field types: Like Single line text, number, email, uploads, form separators, comments, date pickers, paragraph text, check-boxes, multiple-choice radio buttons and drop-down select fields.
  • It allows customizing the contents of the email sent to the website administrators with the data filled by the end-user.
  • It also supports multiple destination email addresses.
  • Allows sending an automatic "thank you" message to the end-user that filled the form.
  • Provides an easy way to edit the field validation messages, for example to translate them to your preferred language and also includes captcha image verification for preventing spam.
  • Provides automatic upload processing.
Download Extension: Click Here

9. Newsletter Subscriber

Newsletter Subscriber
Version: 1.3
Joomla Version: Joomla 2.5
Important Features:

  • Newsletter Subscriber is a free Joomla Plugin and Module.
  • It is a simple form to subscribe to a newsletter.
  • When the user clicks the button, it sends an email to the recipient specified.
  • It is very simple to use, all user text is customizable.
Download Extension: Click Here

10. Mailster 


Joomla Version: Joomla 2.5
Important Features:

  • It supports group communication and newsletters.
  • It is usable with any POP3/IMAP email account.
  • Recipients are managed by the admin in the backend.
  • Users can also (un)subscribe with frontend plugin or module.
  • All Joomla users can be chosen as recipients, additional users can be stored and users can be organized in groups.
  • It also replies to mailing list and posts can be forwarded to all recipients.
  • It provide full support of HTML emails and attachments.
  • All plugins are included and are installed automatically and English, German, French, Danish, Japanese and Slovenian translation included.
Download Extension: Click Here

Top 10 Joomla Email Extensions

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