Top 10 Free File Hosting Sites of 2013
Top 10 Free File Hosting Sites of 2013
Every second brings a new improvement in technology so the field of computer science become vast and provides lots of facilities to human of this era. The field of Web become very important now a days. Actually this field brings revolution in the field of Information Technology. So If you have any website or blog so you must need a file hosting site. These sites can be paid and also available free. People mostly like free things and No money in pocket so here in this post you come to know top 10 and more reliable free file hosting sites of 2013.
1. got the 1st rank in top 10 free hosting sites. It provides the bandwidth 500 MB per month and 42 MB file storage size. It is short storage size but one of the best part of this site is it is free at all whenever you make multiple accounts. also facilitate its user by providing direct link to download their files. It also support different files extensions like rar, exe, zip, jpg and gif etc.
Box is the quickest way to share files internally as well as externally vendors. It support the larger files to share in very easiest way. It is the best way to provide cloud storage so with the help of Box you can store your files online and access your files anytime anywhere whenever you want. Box provides the 10 GB of bandwidth per month with 5 GB file storage size. The maximum size of file is 250 MB.
HideMyAss is the 3rd most frequently use free hosting site. The best feature of hidemyass is provides the unlimited bandwidth per month and unlimited file storage size. This is actually best feature for the users because user has alot of material so it is impossible to work properly in bounded area, So with the help of Hidemyass you can store alot as you want but maximum size of file is 400 MB. There is also one caution that you must take while using this site because you don't need to make account for uploading your files you can directly upload your files so must take the backup of all your uploaded files.
DropBox is the free file hosting service that is hosted by DropBox. DropBox can host all kinds of photos, documents and videos anywhere you want. Whenever you install DropBox at your computer and you share file on DropBox then the sharing file automatically share on all your others computers, android devices and on also DropBox. There is no stated of bandwidth per month and maximum file size but DropBox provide 2 GB file storage size.
Ziddu is the 5th most reliable free hosting site. Its provides the world's best leading audio, videos, images and documents sharing portal. Ziddu also provide the facility of free accounts. ziddu also not stated for the bandwidth per month and file storage size. Ziddu Support 200 MB maximum file size. It is very fast and easy and only those people can download a file who know the exact URL and if you don't accessed you files with in 60 days then the file will deleted automatically.
4shared is most commonly use free file hosting site. Through 4shared you can also hos you all kind of data. The bandwidth per month and maximum file size of 4shared is not stated. It provides 15 GB file storage size.
Free online storage and file uploading become easy through Fileserve. There is alot of term and conditions of using this site if member accounts upload unauthorized or copyright protected material then their accounts will be terminated by administration. Bandwidth per month and maximum file size is not stated. Fileserve provides 500 GB file storage file size.
Fileden is established in 2006 and 2 million+ customers avail its services for different purposes like image hosting and secure online backups. Its provide many basics services for its free accounts like 1 GB of personal storage space and also support 100 MB maximum file size. Fileden also provide the 5 GB bandwidth per month. Most latest news about the Fileden is planning on replacing the entire current FileDen platform in mid August with an entirely new, stable, redundant platform.
Blogger was developed by Pyar Lab in 2003 and bought by Google. It is best way to share thoughts, most current events, latest information or from history or anything you want to share with world. Blogger provide unlimited bandwidth and file storage size and maximum file size is not stated. Blogger only host images, videos, pictures those download types of blogs or websites need any of the top 10 free file hosting list.
Mediafire is the mostly use file hosting site founded in August 2006 and approximately every month 100 million people use Mediafire. Mediafire is also use cloud technology to store users data so its become easy to users to share their files with their friends, family and customers. Its bandwidth and maximum file size is not stated. Mediafire provides 51 GB file storage size.
Top 10 Free File Hosting Sites of 2013
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