How to Check Deleted Text Messages on a Cell Phone
Till now it is considered that delete message are not accessible.These message cannot be read if they are deleted from phone.Now its very tricky and easy to read the delete messages.You just need to handy sim card reader and follow the given below steps to read delete messages.
1). Purchase a USB Sim card reader. Good buying sources are, and
2).Download and install the software application, or install it from the CD ROM.
3). Remove the sim card from your cell phone by removing the battery.
4). Take the sim card and insert it into the USB card reading device that came with your kit.
5). Connect the USB device to your computer by plugging it into the USB slot.
6). Open the software application that you installed earlier.
7). Go to �File� and �Read Text Messages� or click on the �Sync� button in the upper right-hand corner of the application. A list of text messages, both deleted and undeleted will be appear. The deleted ones will be marked in red.
8). Undelete the text messages by choosing one that you wish to read and right clicking it, then click �Undelete.�
How to Check Deleted Text Messages on a Cell Phone
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