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Download A introduction to Number Theory and Algebra by Victor Shoup Download free PDF

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 A introduction to Number Theory and Algebra  by Victor Shoup 

A introduction to Number Theory and Algebra� is written by �Victor Shoup�.This is his 2 version. This document contains hyperlinks and one can navigate by clicking on theorem,definition,equation,page number,URLs,chapter section and titles in the content of books.It also display a list of bookmarks that allow direct access to chapters and sections.It contains 20 chapters with index,appendix and bibliography.Contents of book are as follow.

1. Basic properties of integers

2. Congruence

3. Computing with large integers

4. Euclid�s Algorithm

5. The distribution of Primes

6. Abelian Groups

7. Rings

8. Finite and discrete probability distribution

9. Probabilistic Algorithms

10. Probabilistic testing

11. Finding generators and discrete logarithms in Z*p

12. Quadratic reciprocity and computing modular square roots

13. Modules and Vector Spaces

14. Matrices

15. Sub exponential-time discrete logarithms and factoring

16. More rings

17. Polynomial Arithmetic and applications

18. Linearly generated sequences and applications

19. Finite Fields

20. Algorithms for finite fields

21. Deterministic primality testing.

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