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5 Types Of Commercial and Profitable Blogging
5 Types Of Commercial and Profitable  Blogging

Blogging is an online source of earning money.It polish
Your writing skills enable you to present data and material in a attractive,captivating and good way.Blogging has many types and this post will enable you to learn 5 different type of blogging to earn handsome amount of money.

1. General Blogging

This is very effective king of blogging.All kinds of blogging are able-bodied and authentic in this kind like personal blogging, media blogs, microblogging etc.If you want to earn money online and want to get profit then this type of blogging is very advantgeous. Fast source of making effective money is general blogging, Aadvertising, sponsored news, product creation, affiliate marketing are mostly used in blogging to earn money.

2. Vlogging
As name shows vlogging means video blogging.This provides you and effective platform to express your thoughts, proficiency and knowledge online through videos.The person who express his skills and share his knowledge through vlogging is called vlogger.Youtube is best place of vlogging.There are many others source of vlogging like iJustine, Shaytards etc.Many people has tried vlogging and they proved that you can earn more money as compared to writing.

3. Micro Blogging

One of the most fascinating,motivating,attention-grabbing and exciting way of blogging is micro blogging.Very short and easier content is used ,that�s why this type of blogging is called micro blogging.Videos,audios and smaller sentence are used in this blogging.Twitter and Tumbler are effective source to do microblogging.Question is that how we can earn money by microblogging???? Very fascinating and easiest way is that micro blogger follow others people just like on twitter and get a lot of follower and customers. Gaining a big strength of followers is a main thing.Followers and customers uphold and pop up sponsored messages like tweets or short promotional stuff.You will get more followers and more money if you have motivating,attention-grabbing and out of ordinary short messages and content.

4. Niche Blogging

This type of blogging is very intresting.In this type you have to hold on sub topics about one bigger topic.From one main topic you have to right on sub topic relevant to main�s easier to uphold and sustain this type of blog and if you select the right could smack gold online by this type of blogging.You can post solutions and product about specific topic and make money online.This is best for business.

5. Corporate Blogging

If you want to enlarge your big business then this type of blogging is helpful and functional.By this you can see in contact with your clientele and gain knowledge of what they want and need. By this blogging you can easily earn money.You write content about particular company and you get money in can express you writing abilities without having a blog, just by contacting with any company.

5 Types Of Commercial and Profitable Blogging

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