[?OFFICIAL Penguinator?] Club Penguin Membership Generator
� Club Penguin Membership Generator Video Transcript �
Hey guys, I just wanted to make a quick video to show you this cool tool I found called Penguinator.
It�s a Club Penguin membership generator for club penguin and it makes one week membership codes.
I�ve already flipped through a few of them, I guess the first few of you guys to get to the video can go ahead and use those. I�m just going to take this one here, make sure to take out the dashes because that�s how club penguin wants it. To show you that I�m not already a member I�m just going to go ahead and log in real quick. I�ll show you my account and that it�s not upgraded or anything. Flip some pizza in the meantime, apparently. Anyway, we�ll go into Below Zero since it�s not full. Flip some more pizza.
And as soon as it loads here, I�ll show you that I am in fact in the real club penguin not some private server.
If we go into the player information you�ll notice that it�s just a normal basic account, I just made it. If you don�t know what to look for it�s the star on the top left. When you�re a member it will change and say so. We�re just going to go ahead to the membership tab on the webpage and click code redemption. Wait for this to load up and we will throw in the code we generated a minute ago. Next we�ll do all the verification stuff by putting in out email. I�ll blur out my email so you guys don�t send me stuff.
Put the code in, click redeem, and it was successful. It�s as easy as that.
If we click log in it will take us back into the game and I can show you for sure that I�ve been upgraded to a member capable of wearing member items and puffles and whatever else it is you do with a membership. As soon as we flip some more pizza here.
So if I go back into my membership button we can see even the icon on the bottom has changed and the star now say�s I�m a member. So we�ve been upgraded successfully and are now capable of doing all the membership stuff.
Enjoy guys, have fun with this!
[?OFFICIAL Penguinator?] Club Penguin Membership Generator
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